9 Reasons for a Business to Get a Mobile App

We're fans of owning a website and marketing through email, but an app grants you a personal touch difficult to emulate on other platforms.

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Although a website is a great tool that can bag you plenty of leads and sales, there’s something to be said for adding a mobile app to your stable of communication tools.

Here are nine reasons to get an app for your business.


An app lets you push notifications to users more directly than any other digital platform.

There literally is no better way to be in the face of customers or prospects at the same time, than to bother them instantly on their mobile phone.

Traditional methods

Let’s compare that to other methods…


Though email offers a great way to connect with clients and prospects, there’s a layer of action required for the user before they read your message.

Before your message reaches them, they have to open their emails, scan through a sea of subject lines and decide which ones deserver their attention most.

That’s if the message doesn’t end up in spam.

With push notifications, you’re competing against, say, for instance, a bank app notification, a fitness app notification, and a Candy Crush notification.

Far less competition, which means your app’s more likely to be opened.


Phone calls might work for some marketing, but it’s a tedious process that’ll keep you far busier than you’d like to be.

You want to avoid spending your days on the phone hunting for prospects.

Your app does a better job of telling people about your latest offer.

Conference call

Conference calls offer a fantastic way to connect with multiple people simultaneously, but these require far more logistics.

Conference call attendees must book in advance, then add the slot to their calendar.

There’s no guarantee they’ll show up, though.

Your app notification is going to bother the user when you think it should. That’s a good thing. For you, and for them, if you offer value.


Conferences are a marketing dream. It’s an incredible way to network, make new connections and learn about new technologies in your field.

However, setting up a traditional conference takes plenty of work. That’s an understatement, if ever there was one.

And the cost involved with getting your message out via a conference is significant.

Your app’s notification skirts those issues. It’s a simple, affordable way to grab the attention of your users.

Trade shows

Yet another phenomenal way to connect with others in your niche, but like a conference, requires an immense amount of preparation.

And that price tag! Wow! So much expensively!

Your app offers you a far more cost-effective way to get your message out to new users.

The app way

As you can see, an app makes it far more convenient to communicate to many people, all at the same time, when you want, with minimal distractions.


An app offers you the convenience to push out any type of information at any time.

You don’t need to log into an email newsletter dashboard to create an email marketing campaign.

You don’t have to post your campaign to Facebook.

Furthermore, you don’t have to add an article to your website.

The marketing channel is literally in the user’s hand, so all you do is send a push notification.

Of course, you should offer them the ability to opt out, but even then, the app goes with them wherever they go, ready to be opened and used.

You don’t have to use your app for marketing only, naturally.

If you have any news you’d like to share, or valuable tips your customers will find handy, an app offers you this convenience.

Some doctors are clever enough to use apps that list common maladies, thereby offering users a better experience than having to google.

You could do the same, whatever niche you’re in.

If you can answer common questions, you’ll be the go-to source for people wanting to know how they can get their issue resolved.


If you use coupons to draw more attention to your offers, an app can be set up as a coupon carrier.

No longer does a user have to make use of paper or email coupons. They have their coupon right in the palm of their hand, inside your app.

They don’t have to scratch in their wallet, or print out an email.

They simply open the app, flash your coupon and get the goods.

It’s incentivization on steroids.


Since your app is glued to the user’s home screen, it’s impossible for them to ignore it.

Whenever they open their phone, they’re greeted by screen real estate your app has the privilege to be part of.

They can only notice your app logo for so long before they’ll open it.

That means you’ve got their full attention.

Even if they opt out of notifications, there’s your app, waiting for them to open and discover a blessing.


Having an app with the ability for your customers to communicate with you directly is worth gold.

What better way to sort out a customer issue than to allow opening the app to send a message?

It’s quick and painless, and they’ll feel like you’ve gone out of the way to accommodate them in solving their problem.

No longer hunting for a phone number, or trying to source an email address. They just open the app, type a message and send.


If you’re in a niche where your competitors don’t have apps, you’ll stand out like a clownfish among eels, should you decide to opt for an app.

That gives you an exclusive edge.

Your cutting-edge reasoning will impress customers and make them think twice about going elsewhere.

You might say, “All my competitors have apps, so there’s no point in getting one.”

Not so!

Make yours better.

Do a little research on what your competitors offer, and find out where they miss the mark, and have an app created that fills the gap.


Since your product or service is available at the tap of a finger, it’s easier for customers to stay loyal to you.

They don’t have to go Google for what you’ve got. They just open your app.


Along the same lines, engagement with your company is far easier if you offer the convenience of an app.

Since it’s so easy to open your app, you can expect more engagement.

This translates to more sales. Or a higher level of satisfaction among clients.


When users start installing your app, you’ll be able to use the data to make better marketing decisions.

That’s because you’ll gain insights into who downloads your app, and what they do when using your app.

You’ll also see what the most popular aspect of your app is.


It’s clear that a mobile app could revolutionize your business.

Be it brand recognition you’re after, or better customer support, or more sales, an app might just be what you need to get you to your goal faster.

Get in touch to learn how we can revolutionize your business with a custom app.

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