Starts at $30,000

Consignment Management Platform

Easily manage consignment and payments.

Take control of consignment stock.

Prevent Consignment Stock Losses and Manage Payments

No longer wonder what the stock levels look at clients. Easily check, manage and receive payments.

The Tech

This is the tech we use to build your consignment manage platform with.

logo mongo


logo express js


angularjs original


logo node js


Elevate Efficiency, Trust, and Operations With Proper Consignment Management

In the realm of business, managing consignments and payments isn’t just about logistics; it’s about efficiency and precision.

Appstrax Technology introduces a transformative solution—a consignment management platform designed to simplify the intricacies of consignment handling and payments.

Imagine a centralized platform that becomes the backbone of your consignment operations.

Our innovative solution isn’t just about managing consignments; it’s about orchestrating a seamless and efficient process that optimizes every aspect of your consignment-based business.

At the core of our platform lies the ability to streamline the entire consignment journey.

From consignment tracking and inventory management to sales monitoring and payment reconciliation, our solution offers a comprehensive suite of features that simplifies every stage of the process.

Consignment tracking becomes effortless with our platform.

Real-time tracking capabilities ensure that every consignment is accounted for, from arrival to delivery.

This transparency not only enhances operational efficiency but also builds trust between you and your partners or clients.

Inventory management is no longer a hassle.

Our platform provides detailed insights into consignment stock levels, facilitating informed decision-making regarding restocking, sales strategies, and resource allocation.

When it comes to sales monitoring, our platform becomes your strategic ally.

Track sales data, analyze trends, and gain valuable insights into product performance—all within a single, user-friendly interface.

And payments?

Our platform simplifies payment processes, enabling seamless reconciliation and ensuring that payments are processed accurately and on time.

This not only streamlines financial operations but also nurtures positive relationships with consignment partners.

But it’s not just about functionalities; it’s about adaptability.

Our platform is designed to be customizable, scalable, and adaptable to diverse business needs.

Whether you’re a small-scale consignment business or a large enterprise, our solution caters to your requirements.

At Appstrax Technology, we understand the importance of efficient consignment management in driving business success.

Our platform isn’t just a tool; it’s a strategic asset that empowers your business to navigate the complexities of consignment operations with ease.

Ready to streamline your consignment and payment processes?

Partner with us and experience the power of our consignment management platform—a solution that simplifies operations, enhances efficiency, and elevates your consignment-based business to new heights.

The Features

These are the features and benefits you’ll get from our consignment management platform.

Centralized Platform: Operational Backbone

Imagine a central hub that forms the backbone of your consignment operations. Our platform offers a centralized space where every facet of consignment handling aligns, ensuring streamlined and efficient processes.

Seamless Consignment Journey: Efficiency in Operations

Our solution isn’t merely about managing consignments; it’s about orchestrating a seamless and efficient process throughout. From tracking consignments to managing inventory and payments, every stage is optimized for maximum efficiency.

Consignment Tracking: Real-time Accountability

Track consignments in real-time, ensuring accountability from arrival to delivery. This transparency not only boosts operational efficiency but also fosters trust between you and your partners or clients.

Inventory Management: Informed Decision-Making

Gain detailed insights into consignment stock levels, enabling informed decisions about restocking, sales strategies, and resource allocation. It’s hassle-free management that facilitates strategic planning.

Sales Monitoring: Strategic Insights

Track sales data and analyze trends effortlessly. Gain valuable insights into product performance within a user-friendly interface, empowering informed decision-making and enhancing sales strategies.

Payment Processes: Streamlined Reconciliation

Simplify payment processes for accurate and timely reconciliation. Streamlined financial operations ensure accuracy and promptness in payments, nurturing positive relationships with consignment partners.

Adaptability and Scalability: Tailored Solutions

Our platform is customizable, scalable, and adaptable to diverse business needs. Whether a small-scale consignment business or a large enterprise, our solution caters to your specific requirements.

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