Starts at $20,000

OCR Platform

Easily turn reams of paper documents into digital assets, or offer OCR as a service to your clients.

Digitize easily and quickly.

Make Quick Work of Digitizing Documents

Turn paper documents into scannable, digitized documents and save space and sanity.

The Tech

This is the tech we use to build your OCR platform with.

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Transform Paper into Digital Assets, Easily

In a world propelled by digital innovation, the transition from paper to digital assets isn’t just a convenience; it’s a transformative leap toward efficiency and accessibility.

Appstrax Technology introduces a seamless solution that effortlessly converts reams of paper documents into valuable digital resources.

Imagine liberating your business from the confines of bulky paper archives.

Our cutting-edge technology empowers you to effortlessly digitize your documents, turning stacks of papers into easily accessible and searchable digital assets.

This transition not only declutters your workspace but also enhances accessibility and productivity.

But that’s not all. We don’t just offer a conversion; we provide Optical Character Recognition (OCR) as a service.

What does this mean for your business? It means unlocking the power of machine intelligence to convert scanned documents into editable and searchable text.

Whether you’re a business looking to streamline your internal processes or an organization seeking to offer OCR as a service to your clients, our solution provides a versatile platform tailored to your needs.

Empower your clients or streamline your own operations by harnessing the capabilities of OCR, turning scanned documents into editable and searchable formats.

With our solution, the possibilities are limitless. Imagine the ease of accessing critical information within seconds, rather than sifting through piles of papers.

Picture offering your clients a service that modernizes their workflow, making information retrieval swift and efficient.

At Appstrax Technology, we understand the value of efficient document management.

Our solution isn’t just about digitization; it’s about unlocking the potential within your documents, making information accessible, searchable, and easily manageable.

Ready to embrace the digital revolution?

Let us help you embark on a journey toward seamless document digitization and OCR services.

Experience the power of transforming reams of paper into invaluable digital assets that drive productivity and efficiency.

The Features

These are the features and benefits you’ll get from our OCR platform.

Liberation from Paper Archives: Effortless Digitization

Our cutting-edge technology liberates businesses from bulky paper archives, effortlessly converting stacks of papers into easily accessible and searchable digital assets. This transition declutters workspaces and significantly enhances accessibility and productivity.

OCR as a Service: Unlocking Machine Intelligence

Beyond simple conversion, our solution offers Optical Character Recognition (OCR) as a service. This means harnessing machine intelligence to convert scanned documents into editable and searchable text, unlocking the power of modern technology to transform information retrieval.

Versatile Platform: Tailored to Diverse Needs

Whether streamlining internal processes or offering OCR as a service to clients, our solution provides a versatile platform tailored to varied business requirements. Empower clients or streamline operations by converting scanned documents into editable and searchable formats.

Swift Information Retrieval: Limitless Possibilities

Imagine the ease of accessing critical information within seconds, eliminating the hassle of sifting through piles of papers. The solution offers swift and efficient information retrieval, enhancing operational agility and decision-making.

Modernized Workflows: Client-Centric Service

Offer clients a service that modernizes their workflow, making information retrieval swift and efficient. It’s not just about digitization; it’s about providing a service that transforms client workflows and enhances their efficiency.

Efficient Document Management: Unlocking Potential

Understanding the value of efficient document management, our solution unlocks the potential within documents, making information accessible, searchable, and easily manageable. It’s about driving productivity and efficiency through seamless digitization.

Embrace the Digital Revolution: Drive Productivity

Ready to embrace the digital revolution? Let us help you on a journey toward seamless document digitization and OCR services. Experience the power of transforming paper into invaluable digital assets that drive productivity and efficiency.

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